
All Psi Chi memberships are for life. Therefore, once you become a member, your membership benefits and support are still available long after you have graduated from UC Berkeley. Membership opens up during the Fall and Spring semesters.

Membership Eligibility

In order to join the UC Berkeley Chapter of Psi Chi, you must meet the following eligibility criteria:

Undergraduate Student

  • Be enrolled at UC Berkeley with a major or minor standing in psychology (or for a major or minor in a closely related program that is psychological in nature)
  • Completed at least 3 semesters (minimum 36 semester hours) of college coursework
  • Completed at least 9 semester hours of psychology coursework
  • Have a minimum 3.3 psychology course GPA
  • Have a minimum 3.3 cumulative GPA

Graduate Student

  • Be enrolled in a psychology (or psychology-related) graduate program at UC Berkeley
  • Completed at least 9 semester hours of graduate-level coursework
  • Earned a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in all graduate courses
  • Meet the graduate program’s academic requirements (e.g., if specific courses require an A or B, students must meet those requirements even if their cumulative GPA is above 3.0).

Transfer Student

Undergraduate UC Berkeley transfer students meet the same requirements as undergraduate students who completed all coursework at UCB. However, UCB transfers credits but not grades; as such, transfer students begin with a 0.0 GPA and they must establish both a cumulative and a psychology GPA at Berkeley.

  • Have completed at least one full semester at UC Berkeley
  • Have registered for major or minor standing in psychology (or for a major or minor in a closely related program that is psychological in nature) 
  • Completed at least 3 semesters (minimum 36 semester hours) of college coursework
  • Completed at least 9 semester hours of psychology coursework
  • Have a minimum 3.3 psychology course GPA at UCB – Based on completed psychology coursework for 9 semester credits
  • Have a minimum 3.3 cumulative GPA at UCB – Based on completed coursework for 12 semester credits

Note: Transfer students (undergraduate and graduate) who are already members of Psi Chi may transfer their Psi Chi membership to the Chapter, but they are not required to do so. Transfer students who are already members do not have to pay another membership fee to the Society. However, if they do transfer their membership, they may purchase a new member certificate from their new Faculty Advisor.

Application Form

Our Spring 2024 application period is now closed. Please check back in September for the Fall 2024 application.

Note: Please access the form below using your bMail account. If you encounter the message “You need permission,” please try opening the form in a private/incognito browser.